Slick marquee slider - manage HTML marquee with slick javascript library.
Summernote is a front-end JavaScript library that of WYSIWYG editors.
Semantic Ui Sidebar Demo with Semantic Ui Calender.
taggle.js is an awesome javascript Tag editor that allow us to manage, add, remove, autocomplete tags in an input field.
Owl Carousel is a number one jQuery plugin Choosen by hundreds of developers. Here is Sponsored Slider.
Bootstrap Range Slider. Bootstrap range slider is an interactive component that allows a user to choose a value by sliding rather than manually writing.
WebcamJS is a small (~3K minified and gzipped) standalone JavaScript library for capturing still images from your computer's camera, and delivering them to you as JPEG or PNG Data URIs. The images can then be displayed in your web page, rendered into a canvas, or submitted to your server. WebcamJS uses HTML5 getUserMedia, but provides an automatic and invisible Adobe Flash fallback.
Lazyload is fast and lightweight javascript libraray that boost your page loading speed by images,videos and iframe only when users enter that view port.
Tesseract js demo scan text over the image by just doing small amounts of code.
jQuery ElevateZoom Plus Plugin is a Javascript library used to give high resolution magnifying view of image.
Videojs is the most popular widely used open-source HTML5 video player that supports modern streaming formats as well as Youtube, Vimeo, and even flash files through the plugin.
MediaElementJs is an open-source Html5 video player that can supports Video, Audio, Streaming, and multiple social media video playback.